iDash wind reading error

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iDash wind reading error

Post by markrhill »

After a week of outstanding performance, I had a problem this morning with bogus wind readings. The first attached file showed a ~17mph tail wind, which certainly wasn't the case. I pulled over, found the "Zero wind" setting, and then recorded the 2nd file, which showed a ~15mph tail wind on my southbound leg, going to ~10mph on my northbound return. I believe the actual wind was ~5mph out of the north.

Any suggestions?

PS: Can't attach the files, because I got an error message: "The exttension ibd is not allowed." Time to update the forum software to recognize iDash files!

BTW, I've seen a consistently odd reading on elevation: even through I go through the process of calibrating atmospheric pressure via local weather station reading, the system thinks I'm -430", when I'm actually ~10ft above sea level in Jupiter FL.
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Re: iDash wind reading error

Post by Velocomp »

Please send the ride file to me directly:

For posting on the forum you can try putting the .ibd file in a zip format.
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Re: iDash wind reading error

Post by rcmaps »

I have had this problem before but found that one way of getting rid of bogus wind readings is to stop riding, pull over, exit the ibike app, remove your idevice from the phone booth, re-insert it properly and for good measure, turn off and then turn on your device (this clears the memory). When it's ready, start the ibike app again and it should be good to go. I have had to consistently perform this as for unknown reasons, the ibike dash losses either cadence or speed or HR signals in the middle of a ride. Performing a complete reboot and reinsert fixes these errors sometimes temporarily for a few minutes.

It's a pain to have to do this though but look at it on the bright side - allows you to get a breather.
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Re: iDash wind reading error

Post by rcmaps »

Oh btw, you didn't mention what device you're using - iphone4 or ipod touch 4G ?

I find that with the ipod touch 4G, it's not only slimmer in width but also thinner and hence it's rather loose in the phone booth and that may be the cause of these random errors.
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Re: iDash wind reading error

Post by racerfern »

The calibration of weather station data is super fine tuning and really meant for older iBike units. You should simply set the elevation in the setup screen prior to your ride. I live on the west coast and I see the same wild fluctuations in barometric pressure that causes changes in altimeter readings. One day I might be -200' the next day +200 ft. Regardless, even if you don't set the elevation you can always correct it in the analysis process by clicking "Enter starting and ending elevation".

A loose unit that shakes and move around within the phone booth will cause strange wind and power readings. However, unless you've changed the unit you're using from an iPhone to an iTouch for example your unit should fit snuggly. When I was doing beta testing I had a similar issue earlier this year and I solved it by putting a credit card or two to take up the space. This does not apply to unit being shipped as the proper foam spacers are provided.

You should never have to do a reset or reboot to acquire signals from cadence, speed or HR. Either the pairing process did not complete or you have an issue with a sensor. You may want to consider deleting the app from your iTouch/iPhone and doing a complete reinstall including the firmware and setup process. Get the latest version from the Apple store. Do this by holding down your finger on the iBike logo on your device and then pressing the "x". Caution, you will remove all settings so make sure you know your profile data and write it down. That way you won't have to do another calride.
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Re: iDash wind reading error

Post by rcmaps »

Thanks racerfern.

I'd already done a reinstall of the app once before and yes, I had to do another cal ride to set it up.

Actually, I left the old ibike aero cadence and speed sensors on the bike (including the old ibike mount) so maybe I should just replace those with the newer single unit sensors from iDash one day to see if it solves the problem.

My problem was that I had a ipod Touch 3G and at the time the unit was manufactured and custom built, ipod Touch 4G was not released yet. There is still a bit of looseness in the mount between the 3G and 4G units. I have cut out custom closed cell foam strips (similar to stuff they use for shoe insoles) to try and pad out the gaps in the phone booth. These usually work for a week or two as stated earlier and then the closed cell foam compresseds down (shrinks) and then the iDevice becomes slightly loose again albeit not as loose as prior to adding these.

I have been checking the app store daily for the ibike App upgrade which hopefully will get rid of my problem.
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