Love all the new analysis features, but...

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Posts: 445
Joined: Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:48 am

Love all the new analysis features, but...

Post by rruff »

When analyzing the route it would be nice to be able to select a non-zero value for out-back wind. Zero is only valid if there is no wind... or possibly if the wind is directly in line with your motion. Crosswinds should always result in a positive value.

Also, I'd love to have some transparency on the slope adjustments that are made. I consider the auto-tilt correction to be a mixed bag for me since it seems to introduce more error in some situations, and it's difficult to tell what adjustments have been made. With the Gen2 I could always see my original data and apply the corrections in software if I wished. It is nice to not have to check the slope before riding, though...

Thanks for your consideration!
Velocomp CEO
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Re: Love all the new analysis features, but...

Post by Velocomp »

Good points; I'll pass this on to Travis.
John Hamann
Posts: 445
Joined: Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:48 am

Re: Love all the new analysis features, but...

Post by rruff »

After having a little more time using the new software, I think what I'd prefer is to allow you to pick a turn-around point and select how far on each side of this you wish to analyze. Then you can have the software auto-adjust to zero wind or select some other value. The advantage over the current "analyze route" page would be that especially on long rides the wind scaling calibration will only be valid near the turnaround... when you are 10 miles away from it the wind might have changed a lot. Traffic and obstructions will also have an effect, and will require user input if you want to get accurate data. "Analyze wind" could be done on the same page. I've been trying to do this on the current "analyze wind" page but it is very difficult to pick out turnaround points and equal lengths on each side.

I realize that the thrust is to provide decent accuracy in the most simple way, but I'd prefer having more control.
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