Issac displays different power

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Issac displays different power

Post by blp »

In Isaac 4, I have noticed on a short ride that the Max power displayed in the summary pane on left (460W) is quite different then that found in the graph (684W in the detail window at the bottom of the graphs) when the point is selected.
The high power point is at 46'04" into the ride.
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Velocomp CEO
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Re: Issac displays different power

Post by Velocomp »

When you click on any point of the graph, Isaac reports the instantaneous power output at that given point of the ride. In your ride file, that number is 684W.

However, instantaneous wattages aren't terribly meaningful; they can depend on factors such as foot angle, wind gusts, etc. To be meaningful as representations of cycling effort, wattages need to be averaged over a longer time period than one data point.

For max power, the stats window reports the peak 5 seconds of effort, in your case 460W. This number IS meaningful, because it accurately represents the maximum level of effort you sustained for a 5 second period, without the "noise" that can be caused by an individual data point.
John Hamann
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Re: Issac displays different power

Post by blp »

Thanks for the info.
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