questions about training + racing with a power meter

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questions about training + racing with a power meter

Post by kurt »

Dear all,

I have read the book training + racing with a power meter and I have several questions. I will not post them all at once but I will start with the first one.

1) Quadrant analysis: I understand the importance of quadrant analysis however how do you define the quadrant. During the explanation the book always took a CPV/AEPF of 300 W and 80RPM. Why 300W and 80 RPM? Later in the book they used other values during the case studies.
I thing you should take your FTP as the power but which value should you taken for RPM?

I hope someone is willing to help

Many thanks


P.s.: I don't ride competition but I am a physicist and I like to work with data; formulas and graphs :-)
Velocomp CEO
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Re: questions about training + racing with a power meter

Post by Velocomp »

This is beyond the scope of our understanding.

I have forwarded your question to Hunter Allen, who hopefully will provide an answer on the forum!
John Hamann
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