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New bike, new profile

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:17 am
by scsteven
Hi! Got a new tri bike and I moved my ibike pro from my roadie to my tri bike. Did the new profile- new cal ride. Wanted to know if someone could look at my files and let me know if things look ok. Also, on my ride last night, my ibike showed me my cadence throughout the ride. However, when I downloaded the ride, the cadence was missing. Any advice? My next ride is scheduled for tomorrow. Thank you!

Re: New bike, new profile

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:56 am
by scsteven
Ok, so I was playing around with my file from last night's ride and I clicked on "revert to original download" and viola, there was my cadence. Not sure why it didn't default to that originally.. I will post that file now.

Re: New bike, new profile

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:58 pm
by coachboyd
I can't remember the exact trigger for it, but if the first few minutes of your ride don't have cadence data, that will cause it not to show up in the ride.

I think there has been some sort of fix for this. I know I haven't seen this thing happen in quite a while with my rides.