Why are wattages so different for same ride?

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Why are wattages so different for same ride?

Post by GWPOS »

I have been doing some 2x20's on a climb and recently my numbers were 20-30 watts lower than before with about the same speed. If anyone could tell me why I would appreciate it. I have attached the 2 different ride files. And if possible which one is showing the correct numbers. Thanks
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Velocomp CEO
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Re: Why are wattages so different for same ride?

Post by Velocomp »

If you look at the ride files carefully you'll notice 2 things:

1) In the first interval you did not start at the same place. Though your speed was essentially the same 10.0 vs 9.9 mph), the average slope for the 5/3 ride was about 0.7% higher than the 3/18 ride, due to the different starting place. Your iBike correctly reports a higher wattage for the steeper section you climbed on 5/3.

2) in the second interval, you rode exactly the same stretch of road (you can tell by the slope profile), but your average speed on the 5/3 ride was 9.2 mph, whereas on the 3/18 ride your average speed was 9.9 mph. Your iBike correctly reports that your wattage was higher on the 3/18 ride.

Note that the hill slope measurement of the iBike makes it possible to identify EXACTLY where you were riding. No other PM can do this... :D

Your iBike is working perfectly and both files are correct.
first interval, 3/18
first interval, 3/18
Screen shot 2011-05-05 at 12.09.53 PM.png (147.79 KiB) Viewed 2509 times
first interval, 5/3
first interval, 5/3
Screen shot 2011-05-05 at 12.11.08 PM.png (134.07 KiB) Viewed 2505 times
second interval, 3/18
second interval, 3/18
Screen shot 2011-05-05 at 12.18.44 PM.png (192.14 KiB) Viewed 2510 times
second interval, 5/3
second interval, 5/3
Screen shot 2011-05-05 at 12.19.22 PM.png (172.7 KiB) Viewed 2498 times
John Hamann
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