bad calc/no calc ride

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R Mc
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bad calc/no calc ride

Post by R Mc »

I received a new wheelset to test, so I did cds today, + a calc ride. I loaded a fresh battery, let the unit acclimate to temp (around 40), did a wind offset, and rode to my test road.

Cds seemed to go fine, did calc ride, but when I finished I got a "bad calc." I immediately did another, which seemed to be ok. I did a trip reset and continued riding.

When I got home I was anticipating seeing what sort of numbers I'd gotten. Frustration: no calc rides were stored, AND the ride list was a long list of "zero ride files." I've never seen this before.

I can't send these files to you because a) I couldn't download them and b) I've erased them.

Velocomp CEO
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Re: bad calc/no calc ride

Post by Velocomp »

Hmm...this is a new one!

The "zero ride files" were likely the coastdowns.

Try the following:

Do a hard reset of your iBike.

Then, load your previous profile into your iBike.

Finally, give it another shot. Make sure to check your tilt cal and wind offset prior to doing the calibration sequence.

If it works, great; if not, please contact us and do NOT erase any files in your iBike!
John Hamann
R Mc
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Re: bad calc/no calc ride

Post by R Mc »

Will do.

I'm looking forward to being able to back up the subjective "good grief are these wheels fast" with some relevant numbers.

If it helps, as I was thinking about this afterwards, somewhere along the line (remember, it was cold . . . and I've got two layers of gloves on) . . . while trying to do that trip reset after the 2nd calc ride, I got back into the set up screen by mistake. Before I realized what was going on, the unit started a 3rd calc ride--, which I backed out of by exiting set up instead of aborting the calc ride by pushing the center button.

I did a couple of "laps"--which were processed on screen, at least--after that. And the unit seemed to be working fine: wind offset was stable and the numbers looked just about right.
R Mc
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Joined: Sat Jul 05, 2008 4:56 pm
Location: Abilene, TX

Re: bad calc/no calc ride

Post by R Mc »

fyi update:

re-did cds and calc ride yesterday, and they downloaded and processed just fine.

John, I think I managed to confuse the unit so that it treated the entire ride (Saturday) as a series of coast-downs, because there were at least 40, if not more, "zero files" in the download window.

and, fwiw, although it was a bit windier yesterday than the day I did the previous profile (with flashpoint 60 wheels), the cda of a certain 80mm deep wheelset made in Indiana shows .039 lower than that of the flashpoints. (same bike, same stretch of road, same clothes, same position.) Sound plausible?
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