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My ride today

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 6:35 pm
by coachboyd
So, I am responding to a question on another forum but needed a place to host a couple files. I figured why not let you guys have access to it as well. So, here is my ride today, done with a Quarq, iBike, and a Power Tap at the same time. You can go into features -> power meter comparison. Then you can add the power tap data.

By the way, I did this ride today with the power tap to check accuracy of my friend's power tap. He thought his power tap was reading off and wanted me to check. Anybody else see something funny with using an iBike to check the calibration of a power tap?

Re: My ride today

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 5:19 pm
by turbomentor
Really good results. IB and DFPM seem to be bouncing between +/- 35-50W or so.

To me, the more I look at your files and bounce it against my own experiences, it seems the LONGER the ride, the closer the iBike will come to a DFPM. Also, it appears to me that a more or less steady effort yields better results than hills or intervals. Not that results on hills and intervals is bad just seem to get better correlation on steady state effort.

I noticed your R^2 number was quite high...around .845. I have been doing mostly short sets recently and won't start my longer rides for a while. I will see how my R^2 numbers looks when I go longer (as opposed to my short workouts now).

Re: My ride today

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:36 pm
by iodaniell
I didn't even try to use the iBike during my ride this morning:

It was -3 degF with the average wind speed from the WNW at 19 MPH.